Thursday, December 13, 2007

Monday, I reported for jury duty in our county court, for what could have been a 1 week trial term. It turned out that one of my neighbors was there too, so we had a nice visit while we waited, and waited....Finally one of the judges came out, and swore everyone in, and said he would listen to hardship requests to be released from serving. Several people got up to speak with him, then he disappeared. Eventually the clerk came in and said that one of the cases had just been settled, and now we would only need two juries, instead of three, and that the judge would be back in with the attornys to start the selection process. About 1/2 hour later, the clerk came back again, and said "Well, tis the season!" Everything had been settled, and we were all free to go, and no one could be called for at least a year. You should have seen us all headed for the door! I felt like I had been given a gift of time!
Eye candy: Knockout Rose from my garden.

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