Thursday, February 14, 2008

On to the olive grove! Ten years ago, I don't think I even knew what olive oil was and now I cook with it all the time. So I was very eager to see what was involved in the production of olive oil. You don't eat olives straight off the tree, like you would an apple or an orange. Our tour guide told us the birds won't even eat them because they are so bitter. The goodness comes out in the processing. Unlike wine, olive oil needs to be as fresh as possible. It takes about 3 hours from tree to bottle. We tasted some oil, with bread, cheese and fruit and it was wonderful. They also has lemon and orange infused oils, which were wonderful.

This is some of the olive sorting equipment, with a really nicely restored truck in the background.
These are narcissus ( I think), and they are on the lane leading up to the original home at the vineyard, which the owners, now retired still live in. The trees in the background are olive trees.

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