Monday, January 5, 2009


Our nephew, Nick has been working on this Hovercraft for over a year, and he finally got it to the stage of putting it in the water and giving rides. He is very proud of his hard work, as he should be! It is powered with a small airplane engine in the back, and the engine in the front, blows air down, and allows the hovercraft to "hover' just above the water. It is very loud so ear protection is a must!

Here we are, getting ready to take off. Since there is no prop, you can start on dry land, and go from there. That is our beach, and some cypress trees in the background. Normally there would be water up to the trees, but it has been extremely dry and the lake is way down. The ride was a lot of fun, but you do get wet. It was a beautiful warm Florida winter day.

This is our nephew Jesse. He is 7 and afraid of nothing!

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