Sunday, March 22, 2009

Saturday, we went biking with some friends. We started at a trail near Oveido, and ended up in Winter springs. It starts out in a small town, and crosses some busy roads, but the majority of the trail is rural. It was a beautiful spring day, and we took advantage of it.

The water level is waaaay down. These oak trees grow any which way they like, including out over the stream. On the right, you can see the air plants that live on the trees.

Blackberry blossoms, and the fountain in Winter Springs. We stopped at Barnie's for a snack.

The town of Oveido is famous, or infamous, for its feral chickens. They roam the town, and tend to hang out near the Popeye's, for some obscure reason. This on was very tame, and nearly ran into my leg, it was so intent on getting a bug.

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