Thursday, August 21, 2014

Back again!

Wow, it has been a long long time since I have posted anything. Not for lack of material, but life does get in the way sometimes and personally I would rather live life then write about it. This is my attempt to do both.
One of my goals for this blog is to document the hikes we often take. So we will start there...

August 5, 2014

My birthday, and we celebrated by hiking with our friend Hank to Grotto falls outside of Gatlinburg , TN and continued on past the falls to the junction of Brushy mountain trail. Trillium Gap trail to the falls is very heavily used, and occasionally you might see the llamas used to carry supplies up to Mt LeConte lodge. We didn't see any, but saw their "calling cards" which resulted in a very interesting "Who pooped in the park?"conversation  with the grands.

After the falls, use of the trail drops off, and we saw fewer people. We hiked to the junction of Brushy Mountain trail, and could have continued to Mt LeConte if we were so inclined. On the way back we saw a bear high up in tree. It was completely unconcerned with the folks trying to take pictures and settled down for a nap.


  1. Glad to see you back blogging. I know I'll enjoy seeing your TN pictures.

    Welcome back!

  2. Hi Vicky & Steve,

    I am looking forward to reading your Blog, pictures and just having fun, and grandkids too. Love, Mom
