Thursday, May 14, 2015

Grandchild #5!

March 14, 2015  Our daughter Jacki and son in law Mike presented us with our 5th grandchild. Early in her pregnancy, they decided on a home birth and asked me to be present.  I was there when Eli was born and loved the experience, so I eagerly said yes. Jacki's labor started early in the morning and they called us around 7am. We both went up, and Steve brought Eli back to our house for the day. Shortly after this picture was taken, Jacki had another contraction, and announced that it was time to call Maggie, the midwife. 
Mike set up the birth tub (much like a large child's wading pool) and we all took turns attending to her.  We were all so busy that it seemed like a short time until she was ready to push. I'm sure it seemed like much longer to Jacki!

Molly, the dog, was quite concerned about her "mommy".  I honestly think she would have gotten in the tub with Jacki if we had let her. 

Benjamin Daniel Wolfe, born about 4 pm.

Would you look at all his hair! He seemed so tiny, and I was sure he was smaller than Eli was at birth, but they weighed exactly the same.  Maggie is giving him a very through newborn exam. 
 After Ben was born, Steve brought Eli back up to meet his baby brother. They stopped and bought some flowers for Jacki, and while they were driving,  Steve asked Eli if he knew where they were going. He answered, to see Ben. That was the first we knew of his name, but evidently Eli knew!

Being a GiGi is more fun and fulfilling than I ever thought possible!  Being present at Ben's birth was a wonderful gift, and I am grateful to my daughter and son in law for allowing me to be a part of their special day.

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