Saturday, July 31, 2010

Back to the real world

We are home! After being gone for 5 weeks, it was good to get home last night. We picked up the cats from Jacki's, andI think they were happy to see us and be home as well.

We took our pop up camper, and went up the eastern seaboard and into the Atlantic provinces of Canada. On the way back south, we stopped at David and Emily's, and met our newborn grandaughter.

Although I intend to blog about the entire trip, I will start with the best thing first. Meet our first grandchild, daughter of our son David and his wife Emily. Sarah Emily Cook, born 7-16, weighing 8 lb 5 oz.
Like most first time grandparents, we are completely enthralled with our grandaughter, and think she is the most beautiful child on the planet. We are so thankful that David and Emily encouraged us to hold and interact with her as much as we wanted. You can't really tell from the pictures, but she has very long fingers and toes, just like her daddy did. Maybe a future piano player in the making?
I think Steve fell in love all over again! She was between 5-7 days old in the above pictures.
She was 12 days old in these two pictures,and we could see a big difference in how well she focused her eyes, held her head, and just generally interacted with us more. By the time we left KY, she had regained her birth weight and then some. I have a feeling she will grow like a weed!
Everyone I talked to said, there is nothing like being a grandparent, and they were right! It was very hard to say goodbye to this precious little girl (not to mention her parents!),and I have a feeling there are lots of frequent flyer miles in our future.


  1. Sarah is beautiful Vicky!!!
    Congratulations again!

    ~~ Cynthia

  2. I just love the last picture of her looking over your shoulder. She is MUCH more wide-eyed in these pix.

    Very cute --- congrats again. I know you and Steve will be wonderful grandparents.`

  3. What great pics!!! Yes I would imagine it would be hard to say goodbye. I can't wait to hear abt your trip up the eastern seaboard.

  4. She is gorgeous!! Congrats to everyone Vicky!
