Friday, August 6, 2010

Northeast coast trip, part one

Friday, June 25, 6am, we pulled out of our driveway, with our new camper behind us. It was to be our home for the next 5 weeks. The general plan was to drive up the Blue Ridge Parkway and Skyline Drive, then head to Maine and the Atlantic Provinces of Canada. We had a rather loose itinerary because we knew Sarah would be arriving at some point, and that we would want to get to KY soon after that happened.

We camped that night near Balsam, NC and then realized that we were very close to the house David spent the summer in, several years ago. On Saturday we traveled up the Parkway, stopping often to admire the view. Although somewhat hazy (they are called the Smokey Mountains for a reason!), it was nice and cool, with great views.
On Sunday, we met Steve's sister and her family for breakfast, then continued on our journey.