Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Lower Mt. Camerer

5/25/15  Today we hiked the Lower Mt Camerer Trail from Cosby Campground to Campsite 35, with a short side trip to Sutton Ridge, for a total of 7.4 miles.  Although long, it was a fairly easy trail.  The mountain laurel were in full bloom, and I don't think I've ever seen so many of them.  It was like walking through a tunnel of flowers. 
The ladies; Gina, Vicky, Alice, Mary Ann

The hammock garden at the backcountry campsite.  If we take a long hike, we definitely stop for a rest in the middle of the day.  One tree had 3 hammocks attached to it.  Gina in front, Vicky on left, and Alice on right.  Mary Ann is in the background

Squaw Root.  Although considered a wildflower, it is parasitic and has no chlorophyll.  It's one of the first things to come out in the spring, and is an important food source for bears. 

Mountain Laurel tunnel.
Gina & Vicky in front, back l-r :Hank, Mary Ann, Alice, John, Larry, Steve

How many people can you get in  a selfie?
My thanks to Gina for the last 2 pictures.

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