5/28/15 We started out on Meigs Creek trail, which has over 20 small creek crossings. Last summer when we hiked this trail, I managed to slip and fall in the water, but this time every crossing was uneventful. When we came to the intersection of Curry Mountain, Lumber Ridge and Meigs Creek, where we planned to eat lunch, there was a large hiking club there doing the same thing. They were very friendly, and we enjoyed some nice conversation. We also met some of the trail maintenance crew, and expressed our appreciation for the hard work they do.
Since the trail was going to be pretty crowded, we decided to take the manway, (an old unmaintained trail) down to Tremont. That proved to be a good decision, in that it was not crowded, but unmaintained is the word of the day. It was a good challenge for all of us. We ended up at Spruce flats Falls, then at Tremont.
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